Oyster Consortia

In 2018, NOAA recommended combining the oyster funding into a single large opportunity to begin a coordinated exploration of oyster genetics and breeding. The 2019 Gulf Consortium project included three primary objectives: 1) to develop improved lines of eastern oyster with superior genetic values for traits critical to the industry based on regional genotypes, 2) to generate a repository of genetic resources from regional populations and selected lines adapted to environmental conditions to support ongoing and future restoration efforts and the industry, and 3) to transfer platforms in each state to disseminate genetically improved seeds to the industry. The Consortium is a multi-university team which includes the University of Southern Mississippi - Thad Cochran Marine Aquaculture Center, the Auburn University Shellfish Lab - Dauphin Island Sea Lab, the University of Florida - Molluscan Shellfish Aquaculture Laboratory, and the Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi - Agrilife Research Mariculture Center. The first year of the project was funded at $840,000. A second year was awarded in 2020 at approximately $900,599. A third year of funding has been provided at $868,340.