Previous Annual Meetings
GSMFC 75th Annual Meeting
October 14-17, 2024 — Gulf Shores< AL
Meeting Presentations and Minutes
- TCC Artificial Reef Meeting
- Agenda
- Reefmaker Background, Innovations, and New Products and Opportunities in Reef Building - David Walter
- Overview of Artificial Reef Activities - Louisiana - Mike McDonough
- Overview of Artificial Reef Activities - Florida - Keith Mille
- Fishing Pier vs. Snorkel Reef: Which Gets the Most Diverse Floral and Faunal Communities? - Catheline Froehlich
- Artificial Reefs in the AARPZ: Effects of Size, Spacing, and Material on Early Colonization Patterns - Mark Albins
- FIN Committee
- Agenda
- Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) Red Snapper Effort Workshop - Stephen Poland
- Epigenetic Ageing Research - David Portnoy
- VESL Development Updates - Andrew Peterson
- LA Wallet Trip Ticket Project - Nicole Smith
- TCC Crab Subcommittee
- S-FFMC Menhaden Advisory Committee
- Agenda
- Review of 2024 Gulf Menhaden Season - Sydney Alhale
- Update on the Atlantic Menhaden Fishery - Sydney Alhale
- Stock Assessment Report Final Approval - Amy Schueller/Steve VanderKooy
- DWH Restoration: Developing Methods to Observe Sea Turtle Interactions in the Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Fishery - Rebeccah Hazelkorn
- Louisiana Purse Seine Bycatch Study - Scott Raborn
- Results from Trophic Modeling of the Northern GOM and Implications for the Gulf Menhaden Stock - Calvin Chee
- Forecasting Fisheries: Working to Improve the Gulf Menhaden Annual Forecast - Ray Mroch
- Review of Port Sample Acquisition and Processing in 2024 - Ray Mroch/Steve VanderKooy
- TCC Molluscan Shellfish Subcommittee
- Agenda
- State Oyster Updates - Texas - Christine Jensen and Evan Pettis
- State Oyster Updates - Louisiana - Robert Caballero
- State Oyster Updates - Louisiana - Denise Kinsey
- State Oyster Updates - Mississippi - Jason Rider
- State Oyster Updates - Florida
- Lyles-Simpson Award Dinner
- TCC General Session
- Agenda
- Abstacts
- General Session 2024: Return Em Right Overview
- youTube Video
- Determination of Predation Mortality, Barotrauma Survival, and Emigration Patterns for Catch-and-released Red Snapper - Stephen Szedlmayer
- Do Descender Devices Increase Opportunities for Depredation? A Gulf-wide Examinationof Descender Device Depredation Rates and Depredating Species - Amanda Jargowsky
- Depredation Rates and Release Mortality of Red Snapper, Gray Triggerfish, and GreaterAmberjack Released Using Fish Descending Devices - Erik Lang
- Mitigation of Gag Release Mortality in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico - Will Patterson
- Alabama At-sea Observer Data Collection Methods, Results, and Analysis - Marie Head
- Return ‘Em Right Outreach and Education - Nick Haddad
- Technical Coordinating Committee
- Agenda
- Migratory Movements of Cobia in the Eastern Gulf of Mexico - Meg Lamont
- Update on the Status of Gulf of Mexico Wind Energy - Lissa Lyncker
- SubUAS Drone Capabilities - Javier Diez
- Inflation Reduction Act Update/MS-AL Recreational Fishing Pilot - Gregg Bray
- Standardizing Genetic Markers for Stock Enhancement - Randy Pausina
- Gray Snapper Profile - Steve VanderKooy
- SuRF Updates Development - Steve VanderKooy
- State-Federal Fisheries Management Committee
- Agenda
- GDAR 04/SEDAR 97 Gulf Menhaden Stock Assessment 2024 Update Assessment Report - Steve VanderKooy
- Gulf Menhaden Assessment Update - Dr. Amy M. Schueller
- Presentation on Atlantic HMS Proposed Rule on Electronic Reporting - Cliff Hutt
- IRA Red Snapper Funding Discussion - Gregg Bray
- Commission Business Meeting
- Agenda
- GSMFC Program Reports - Sportfish Restoration - Charlie Robertson
- GSMFC Program Reports - Aquatic Nuisance Species Programs - Charlie Robertson
- GSMFC Program Reports - Fisheries Restoration - Charlie Robertson
- GSMFC Program Reports - Fisheries Information Network/Inflation Reduction Act - Gregg Bray
GSMFC 74th Annual Meeting
October 16-19, 2023 — New Orleans, LA
Meeting Presentations and Minutes
- TCC Artificial Reef Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Overview of Artificial Reef Activities in Texas - Emma Clarkson
- Overview of Artificial Reef Activities in Florida - Keith Mille
- Update on Water Quality Monitoring Pilot Study - Charlie Robertson
- GulfFIN Committee
- Agenda
- IRA Funding Update - Gregg Bray
- Alabama BigFIN Electronic Measuring Board Presentation - Marie Head
- TCC Crab Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Sea Turtles and Questions about Gear Interactions - Brian Stacy
- Update on Florida TED Research and Fisheries Requirements - Claire McIntyre
- Upcoming Research - Zach Darnell
- TCC SEAMAP Subcommittee
- Agenda
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - Florida - Ted Switzer
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - Alabama - John Mareska
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - Mississippi - Jill Hendon
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - Louisiana - Zach Zuckerman
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - Texas - Fernando Martinez
- SEAMAP 2023 Sampling Review - NMFS - Adam Pollack
- Lyles-Simpson Award Luncheon (2022)
- S/FFMC Menhaden Advisory Committee
- Agenda
- Review of 2023 Gulf Menhaden Season - Sydney Alhale
- Update on the Atlantic Menhaden Fishery - Sydney Alhale
- DWH Restoration Project: Developing Methods to Observe Sea Turtle Interactions in the Gulf of Mexico Menhaden Purse Seine Fishery - Rebeccah Hazelkorn
- Louisiana Purse Seine Bycatch Study - Scott Raborn
- TCC Molluscan Shellfish Subcommittee
- Agenda
- State Oyster Updates - Texas - Evan Pettis
- State Oyster Updates - Louisiana - Robert Caballero
- State Oyster Updates - Mississippi - Jason Rider
- State Oyster Updates - Florida - Portia Sapp
- TCC General Session
- Agenda
- Advancement of Atlantic Croaker (Micropogonias undulatus) aquaculture - Dr. Nicole Kirchhoff
- Overcoming Challenges in Commercial U.S. Marine Aquaculture: Development of Post-Harvest Processing and Value-Add Methods for Tropical Seaweed Species in the Gulf and U.S. Caribbean - Dr. John D. Stieglitz
- Intensive practical training of women in Integrative Multi-Trophic Aquaculture: Towards a sustained mariculture workforce in Puerto Rico - Dr. Ralph Turingan
- Continued development of innovative hatchery technology for black grouper (Mycteroperca bonaci) including integrated multi-trophic aquaculture (IMTA) with oysters (Crassostrea virginica) and seaweed (Asparagopsis taxiformis) - Dr. Patrick Rice
- Develop education and outreach tools, strategies or initiatives aimed at improving stakeholder understanding and perceptions of marine aquaculture - Dr. Portia Sapp
- Reevaluating Co-Culture of Eastern Oysters with Sea Urchins Using Hatchery-produced Juveniles on Florida’s Gulf of Mexico Coast - Leslie Sturmer
- Dauphin Island Sea Lab (DISL) Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission (GSMFC) North Central Gulf of Mexico, Integrated Multitrophic Aquaculture (IMTA) Demonstration, Research, Training, and Outreach-Phase I - Dr. John Valentine
- Lyles-Simpson Award Luncheon (2023)
- Technical Coordinating Committee
- Agenda
- Update on the Status of Gulf of Mexico Wind Energy - Mike Celata
- Statewide Survey of Pharmaceutical Exposure: Red Drum Across Florida Estuaries - Andy Distrubell
- Discussion of Creating a Universal State-managed Recreational Fishing Permit - Trevor Moncrief
- Inflation Reduction Act Update - Gregg Bray
- SuRF Updates - Steve VanderKooy
- State-Federal Fisheries Management Committee
- Agenda
- Discussion and Final Approval of IJ State Research Funding for 2024 - Steve VanderKooy
- Aquatic Species Conservation Gap Analysis - Jarrad Kosa
- Commission Business Meeting
- Agenda
- GSMFC Program Reports - Interjurisdictional Fisheries Program - Steve VanderKooy
- GSMFC Program Reports - SEAMAP - Jeff Rester
- GSMFC Program Reports - Sportfish Restoration; Aquatic Nuisance Species Programs; Fisheries Restoration - Charlie Robertson
- GSMFC Program Reports - Fisheries Information Network - Gregg Bray
GSMFC 73rd Annual Meeting
October 17-19, 2022 — San Antonio, TX
Meeting Presentations and Minutes
- TCC Data Management Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Update on VESL Development Progress - Andrew Petersen
- TCC Crab Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Alabama Blue Crab Report Update October 2022 - Jason E. Herrmann
- Florida Report - Claire Crowley and Ryan L. Gandy
- Mississippi Crab Fishery Report
- GSMFC Texas Report October 2022
- Climate-related Hydrology and Juvenile Population Abundances - Perry/Collins/Sanchez-Rubio
- Texas Blue Crab Update - 2022Zachary Olsen, Stephen Hale, Tom Wagner
- MDMR FID Monitoring Programs - Blue Crab Catch
- S/FFMC Menhaden Advisory Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Review of 2022 Gulf Menhaden Season - Ray Mroch
- Update on the Atlantic Menhaden Fishery - Ray Mroch
- Data Needs for an Ecosystem Approach to Menhaden Management - Kim de Mutsert
- Pre-season Forecast Historic Performance - Ray Mroch
- TCC Molluscan Shellfish Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Texas Oyster Updates - Evan Pettis
- Louisiana Oyster Updates - Carolina Bourque
- Mississippi Oyster Updates - Jason Rider
- Gulf of Mexico Oyster Genetics and Breeding Research Consortium - Eric Saillant
- Texas Oyster Harvest Closure Protocols - Evan Pettis
- GOMA Oyster Community of Practice - Dr. Emma Clarkson
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Coast Guard Operations Against IUU-F - Lisa Matoi
- Return ‘Em Right - Nick Haddad
- TCC General Session
- YouTube Video
- Saildrone - Matt Womble
- Life History Investigative Tools for Gulf Sturgeon - Meg Lamont
- Chesapeake Bay Foundation Oyster Monitoring Technology Challenge - Doug Myers
- Mapping and Remote Sensing for Oysters in Texas - Emma Clarkson/ Evan Pettis
- Continuous Video with AI to Monitor Recreational Fisheries - Tiffanie Cross
- Technical Coordinating Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Development of Genomic Tools for Genetic Management of the Tripletail - Eric Saillant
- SEFSC Shrimp Bycatch Survey - Gary Decossas
- DWH Hotspots Mapping Initiative Update - Brett Falterman
- BOEM Gulf of Mexico Renewable Wind Energy Update - Tershara Matthews
- IJF SuRF-FY2023 - Steve VanderKooy
- Red Drum Management Profile - John Mareska
- Review and Approval of Onboarding Materials for New TCC Members - Charlie Robertson
- State-Federal Fisheries Mgmt. Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- IJF SuRF-FY2023 - Steve VanderKooy
- Review of NOAA Fisheries Saltwater Recreational Fishing Policy - Russ Dunn
- Commission Business Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- YouTube Video
- Commissioner's Briefing Book
- Discussion of GSMFC’s Involvement in NRDA Shrimp Effort Pilot Project - Rebeccah Hazelkorn
- Sportfish Restoration/Aquatic Nuisance Species Programs - James Ballard
- Fisheries Restoration - Charlie Robertson
GSMFC 72nd Annual Spring Meeting
March 14-17, 2022 — Panama City Beach, FL
Meeting Presentations and Minutes
- FIN Meeting
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Presentation on Return ‘Em Right Project - Charlie Robertson
- SEFHIER Update - Jessica Stephen
- Molluscan Shellfish Subommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Summary of Gulf Oyster Restoration Projects Funded by DWH - Sandra Brooke
- Texas Update - Evan Pettis
- Strategic Plan Updates and Projects - Carolina Bourque
- Mississippi Update - Jason Rider
- S-FFMC Menhaden Advisory Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Gulf Menhaden Fishery Update (2021) and 2022 Forecast - R. Mroch
- Atlantic Menhaden Fishery Update 2021 - R. Mroch
- Menhaden_IOA_GSMFC_2022 - J. Adriance
- TCC SEAMAP Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- Using Saildrones for Ocean Data Collection - Matt Womble
- TCC Crab Subcommittee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- The Role of Predator and Meso-Predator Abundance in Blue Crab Trends in Texas - Z. Olsen
- MDMR Red Drum Stomach Content Project - J. Saucier
- Blue Crab Use of Turtlegrass Across the Northern Gulf of Mexico: the Influence of Plant Complexity on Abundance, Growth, and Mortality - Z. Darnell
- Texas Blue Crab UpdateZachary - Z. Darnell
- TCC General Session
- Overview of Region 4 FWS ANS Small Grants Program - Allan Brown/Cindy Williams
- Overview of Region 4 FWS ANS Small Grants Program - Allan Brown/Cindy Williams
- USGS NAS Projects and NAS Database Tools - Matt Nielson
- USGS NAS Projects and NAS Database Tools - Matt Nielson
- Southeast Cooperative Fish Parasite & Disease Project - Stephen (Ash) Bullard
- Southeast Cooperative Fish Parasite & Disease Project - Stephen (Ash) Bullard
- Invasive Carp in the Lower Mississippi Watershed - Michael Eggleton
- Invasive Carp in the Lower Mississippi Watershed - Michael Eggleton
- Status of Invasive Carps in the Tennessee and Cumberland River Basins - Mark Rogers
- Status of Invasive Carps in the Tennessee and Cumberland River Basins - Mark Rogers
- Impacts of a Novel Cyanotoxin on fauna in the southeast - Susan Wilde
- Impacts of a Novel Cyanotoxin on fauna in the southeast - Susan Wilde
- Technical Coordinating Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- DWH Fish & Water Column Invertebrate Strategic Planning Update - Jamie Reinhardt
- BOEM Wind Energy Status - Mike Celata
- WARC Capabilities Overview - Deborah Epperson
- CARES Act Program Update - Jeff Rester
- Commission Business Meeting
- Agenda
- YouTube Video
- Commissioner's Briefing Book
- Minutes
- Management & Budget Update - Brian Pawlak
- U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service - Allan Brown
- CARES Act Program Update - Jeff Rester
- Sportfish Restoration - James Ballard
- Aquatic Nuisance Species Programs - James Ballard
- Fisheries Information Network - Gregg Bray
GSMFC 72nd Annual Meeting
October 20-21, 2021 — Virtual
Meeting Presentations and Minutes
- S-FFMC Menhaden Advisory Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- GDAR03 Gulf Menhaden Stock Assessment Update, Report Presentation - A. Schueller and S. VanderKooy
- Review of 2021 Gulf Menhaden Season - R. Mroch
- Update on the Atlantic Menhaden Fishery - R. Mroch
- Ecosystem Modeling Update - Ecosystem Team
- Ecosystem Modeling Update - Ecosystem Team
- TCC Molluscan Shellfish Subcommittee
- Technical Coordinating Committee
- State/Federal Fisheries Management Committee
- Agenda
- Minutes
- IJ States Small Grants Update for 2022 - Steve VanderKooy
- Menhaden Advisory Committee Report - Trevor Moncrief
- Commission Business Meeting