SEAMAP Real-time Plots for the year 2011
Week 2
Below is the second preliminary data summary for the 2011 SEAMAP Summer Shrimp/Groundfish Survey in the northern Gulf of Mexico. This week's summary includes sampling on June 7 by the Texas vessel Nueces Bay. Catch data were taken with a 20-ft trawl.
Plotted catch rates have been converted to pounds per hour for a 40-ft trawl (20-ft trawl x 2). Shrimp counts are heads-on. The squares on the charts are 10-minute grids. The number in each grid square is the average catch or count from all stations (may be one or more stations) that were sampled within a particular grid. The sampling stations were located randomly by depth zone.
The NMFS vessel Oregon II broke down last week and had to return to port before completing a station. It is hoped that it will be fixed shortly and can resume the survey.
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