SEAMAP Real-time Plots for the year 2019
Final Report
Below is the final survey report for the 2019 SEAMAP Summer Shrimp/Groundfish Survey in the northern Gulf of Mexico. The survey report includes sampling from June 1 - July 18 by Mississippi and Alabama on the vessel Tommy Munro, Florida on the vessel Tommy Munro, the Louisiana vessel Pelican, and the NOAA Fisheries vessel Oregon II. Catch data were taken with a 40-ft trawl.
Plotted catch rates have been converted to pounds per hour for a 40-ft trawl. Shrimp counts are heads-on. The squares on the charts are 10-minute grids. The number in each grid square is the average catch or count from all stations (may be one or more stations) that were sampled within a particular grid. The sampling stations were located randomly by depth zone.
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