Southeast Area Monitoring and Assessment Program

SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico, 1988
SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico, 1987
SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico, 1986
SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico 1985
SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico 1984
SEAMAP Environmental and Biological Atlas of the Gulf of Mexico 1983
Proceedings: SEAMAP Shrimp and Bottomfish Sampling Gear Workshop
Fishery profile of red drum
This document summarizes current available scientific Information on the red drum (Sclaenops ocel latus) stocks and fishery In the Gulf of Mexico.
State-federal cooperative program for red drum research in the Gulf of Mexico; a three-year plan
This is a cooperative, coordinated State-Federal program to develop information critically needed to manage red drum resources in the Gulf. Developed by the Red Drum Work Group of the Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission's SEAMAP Program, the plan incorporates a wide range of surveys and studies in both coastal and FCZ waters across the entire Gulf. The three-year plan addresses four major , research areas: (1) stock assessment, including catch/effort data; (2) stock identification; (3) age and growth.validation; and (4) fishery-independent stock assessment. Program planning, review and communication of results will be through the SEAMAP Program.
2011-2015 SEAMAP Management Plan

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