Sport Fish Restoration Program

296 Guidelines for Marine Artificial Reef Materials - Third Edition
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive discussion regarding a variety of materials that have been used in the development of marine and estuarine artificial reefs in the United States. This document is a guideline only, and is not, by its nature, regulatory.
Guidelines for Marine Artificial Reef Materials - Third Edition
The purpose of this document is to provide a comprehensive discussion regarding a variety of materials that have been used in the development of marine and estuarine artificial reefs in the United States. This document is a guideline only, and is not, by its nature, regulatory.
Proceedings from the Atlantic Billfish Research Program Symposium - Gulf States Marine Fisheries Commission's Spring Meeting, Galveston, Texas, March 11, 2008
Guidelines for Marine Artificial Reef Materials, Second Edition
Guidelines for Marine Artificial Reef Materials
Coastal Artificial Reef Planning Guide
A Cooperative Data Program for Recreational Fisheries in the Gulf of Mexico
Gulf Sturgeon Recovery/Management Plan
The Commercial Fisheries Information Network (ComFIN). A Whitepaper Discussion Regarding the Need for Planning and Coordination of the Collection and Management of Commercial Fishery Statistics
A Profile of Artificial Reef Development in the Gulf of Mexico

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Publications are downloadable and, in some cases, printed copies are available. For more information, contact Keith Wilson at (228) 875-5912 or via e-mail.

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